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GBS Finance – Hands that maintain fortunes

“Family offices” in Spain manage assets of around € 15 billion.

There are two types of family offices: single family offices that manage the assets of a single family group; and multifamily offices, such as GBS Finance, N+1 SYZ, MdFAchievers and altCapital, that are the most popular amongst hish net worth individuals.

In Velázquez Street Madrid, the offices of GBS Finance are working incessantly. Our multifamily office, which is run by Juan Esquer and 17 accompanying people, attends to more than 40 families, of which 10 are non-residents. Our clients all have one thing in common: five million euros in cash. In return, they offer a target annual rate of return ranging between 2% and 10% and governed by the principle implemented that “capital is never to be put at risk,” notes Juan Esquer.