GBS Finance has been rewarded as Best Financial Advisor in Corporate Transactions in Spain for 2024

GBS Finance has been rewarded as Best Financial Advisor in Corporate Transactions in Spain for 2024
GBS Finance advises Ecosac in its strategic alliance with the Spanish investment group Atitlan

GBS Finance Advises Ecosac on Atitlan’s Stake Acquisition
GBS Finance Advises Árima on the €245 Million Takeover Bid Launched by JSS

GBS Finance has acted as the financial advisor to Árima Real Estate in the friendly takeover bid (OPA) launched by JSS Real Estate, valued at 245 million euros.
GBS Finance takes part in the forum of the Alliance for Ibero-America Business Council (CEAPI)

On October 17th , Pablo Díaz-Lladó, partner at GBS Finance participated in the forum “Madrid, capital of Ibero-American internationalization”, organized by the Alliance for Ibero-American Business Council (CEAPI).
GBS Finance takes part in elEconomista for the analysis and forecasts of the investment banking sector in 2023

In 2023, valuation adjustments will take place in certain types of transactions until market stabilization takes place and uncertainty factors are mitigated.
Our GBS Finance Managing Partner, Pablo Gómez de Pablos, is interviewed in Capital & Corporate magazine

Pablo Gómez de Pablos, Managing Partner, takes stock of 2022 and provides his vision for this year in his participation in the January 2023 edition of the magazine.
GBS Finance in the media: the evolution of the non-performing asset market

Javier Rexach Vega, one of the founding partners of Special Situations Group, analyzes in Cinco Días the evolution of the non-performing asset (#NPA) market and the growing need to invest and divest more efficiently in a scenario marked by uncertainty.
GBS Finance advises Grupo Facundo in the sale of a stake to Artá Capital

GBS Finance advises Grupo Facundo in the sale of a stake to Artá Capital
GBS Finance expands its range of businesses with the addition of a new NPL division

The platform will offer in-depth advice with high added value for distressed assets, giving a twist to the traditional strategy used in these types of operations.
GBS Finance advises KKR in the Acquisition of MEDAC

GBS Finance advises KKR on the acquisition of MEDAC, a spanish group specialized in vocational training